How to Prepare Matcha Iced Tea using finest Golden Tips Matcha Powder?


Matcha Iced Tea Recipe

Ingredients :-

  • 1 teaspoon of Golden Tips Matcha powder
  • 3 teaspoons honey (or sugar to taste)
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 350 ml milk
  • 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder - Tin Box Round

This truly detoxifying drink is the secret to mental & physical wellness. According to an 8th-century Zen priest, Eisai, Matcha is the ultimate mental & medical remedy and has the ability to make one's life more full and complete. Stone-ground powdered Japanese Matcha Green Tea is grown and processed in tranquil surroundings and pollution-free Shizuoka prefecture in Japan. Available in attractive Round Tin Box Packaging

Method :-

Using a shaker blend the matcha powder with honey or sugar and ice cubes. A thick dark green liquid is prepared. Add milk to this and shake for three minutes to blend the matcha and milk.

Serve over ice cubes and add soaked chia seeds.

As the summers have kicked in its time to soothe ourselves with a refreshing drink. Try something new this summer instead of sugar loaded, artificially flavored drinks. Opt for iced Matcha. It is rich in antioxidants and packed with goodness. Matcha is a Japanese green tea, grown with great care under a shade for few weeks to produce more caffeine and theanine. It is then finely powdered and consumed with milk or water. Matcha is said to be far more beneficial than the regular green tea.

Lemon Matcha Japanese Green Tea

Matcha is a fine stone-ground green tea powder from Japan. Lemon Matcha has the added benefits of lemon, making this blend highly beneficial to health and perfect for weight loss. Since it is more concentrated in antioxidants, Matcha tea is believed to have 10 times the nutritional value of green tea.

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